Write a C++ program to print 'Hello World!' on screen

Output :

    Hello world !

Write a C++ program to print the sum of two numbers

Output :

    Enter number 1 : 45
    Enter number 2 : 96
    The sum of 45 and 96 is 141

Write a C++ program that takes two numbers and display the product of two numbers

Output :

    Enter number 1 : 25
    Enter number 2 : 40
    The product of 25 and 40 is 1000

Write a C++ program to print the sum, multiply, subtract, divide and remainder of two numbers

Output :

    Enter number 1 : 18
    Enter number 2 : 25
    The sum of 18 and 25 is 43
    The difference of 18 and 25 is -7
    The product of 18 and 25 is 450
    The remainder of 18 and 25 is 18

Write a C++ program that takes five numbers as input to calculate and print the average of the numbers

Output :

    Enter number 1 : 5
    Enter number 2 : 10
    Enter number 3 : 15
    Enter number 4 : 20
    Enter number 5 : 25
    The average for given 5 numbers is : 15

Write a C++ program to swap two variables

Output :

    Enter number1 : 100
    Enter number2 : 200
    Before swaping using third variable --
    Number 1 : 100 Number 2 : 200
    After swaping --
    Number 1 : 200 Number 2 : 100

    Before swaping without using third variable --
    Number 1 : 200 Number 2 : 100
    After swaping --
    Number 1 : 100 Number 2 : 200

Write a C++ program to convert a decimal number to binary numbers

Output :

    Enter a number to convert it into binary : 100
    100 in binary format 1100100

    Enter a number to convert it into binary : 50
    50 in binary format 110010

Write a C++ program to convert a binary number to decimal number

Output :

    Enter a number to convert it into binary : 10010011
    10010011 in decimal format : 147

    Enter a number to convert it into binary : 100
    100 in decimal format : 4

Write a C++ program to check whether C++ is installed on your computer or not

Output :

    C++ compiler is installed

Write a C++ program and compute the sum of the digits of an integer

Output :

    Enter the number to get its digits sum : 54625
    The sum of the digits in 54625 = 22

Write a C++ program to compare two numbers

Output :

    Enter the value for number 1 : 45
    Enter the value for number 2 : 42
    45 is greater than 42

Write a C++ program to count the letters, spaces, numbers and other characters of an input string


    Enter your input string : my name is sHanaya1243423@@./
    No. of numbers in string : 7
    No. of spaces in string : 3
    No. of letters in string : 15
    No. of others in string : 4

Write a C++ program to print the ascii value of a given character


    Enter a character to get its ASCII value : s
    The ASCII value of s is 115

    Enter a character to get its ASCII value : A
    The ASCII value of A is 65

Write a C++ program that accepts an integer (n) and computes the value of n+nn+nnn


    Enter a number : 5
    The value of n + nn + nnn : 155

Write a C++ program to display the system time


    Current system time is : Wed Mar 27 23:13:00 2024

Write a C++ program to print the odd numbers from 1 to 20

Output :

    Odd numbers from 1 to 20 :

Write a C++ program to print the even numbers from 1 to 20

Output :

    Even numbers from 1 to 20 :

Write a C++ program to convert a string to an integer

Output :

    Enter a string representing an integer: 456
    Enter a string to convert into an integer : 456

Write a C++ program to convert seconds to hour, minute and seconds

Output :

    Enter seconds to convert the time into hours and minutes : 5000

    Time: 1 hours and 23 minutes

Write a C++ program to compute the sum of the first 100 prime numbers


    Sum of the first 100 prime numbers : 1060

Write a C++ program to compute the square root of an given integer


    Enter a number : 16
    Square root of 16 is 4
    Enter a number : 5
    Square root of 5 is 2.23607

Write a C++ program to check if a positive number is a palindrome or not


    Enter a number to check is it palindrome or not : 20002
    20002 is a palindrome.

    Enter a number to check is it palindrome or not : 20052
    20052 is not a palindrome.

Write a C++ program to add two numbers without using any arithmetic operators


    Enter number 1 : 100
    Enter number 2 : 200
    The sum of 100 and 200 : 300

Write a C++ program to add all the digits of a given positive integer


    Enter a positive number to get its digits sum : 12313
    The sum of the digits in 12313 = 10

C++ program to find area of circle


    Enter the radius of circle in cm : 15
    The area of circle of radius 15 is : 706.5cm²

C++ Program to find areaof rectangle


    Enter the length of rectangle in cm : 40
    Enter the breadth of rectangle in cm : 80
    The area of rectangle of length 40and breadth 80 is : 3200cm²

C++ Program to find areaof triangle


    Enter the length of base of triangle in cm : 30
    Enter the height of triangle in cm : 18
    The area of rectangle of length 30and breadth 18 is : 270cm²

C++ Program to find area of equilateral triangle


    Enter the length of side of equilateral triangle in cm : 5
    The area of equilateral triangle off side 5cm : 10.8253cm²

C++ Program to find area of rhombus


    Enter the length of first diagonal of rhombus in cm : 8
    Enter the length of second diagonal of rhombus in cm : 16
    The area of rhombus is : 64cm²

C++ Program to find area of parallelogram


    Enter the length of base of parallelogram in cm : 50
    Enter the height of parallelogram in cm : 48
    The area of parallelogram of length 50and breadth 48 is : 2400cm²

C++ Program to find area of Prism


    Enter the length of height of prism in cm² : 30
    Enter the length of height of prism in cm² : 4
    The area of prism is : 120cm²

C++ Program to find volume of sphere


    Enter the radius of sphere in cm : 18
    The volume of sphere of radius 18 is : 17496cm²

C++ Program to find volume of cylinder


    Enter the radius of cylinder in cm : 15
    Enter the height of cylinder in cm : 26
    The volume of cylinder of radius 15 is : 17550cm³

C++ Program to find volume of cuboid


    Enter the length of cuboid in cm : 12
    Enter the breadth of cuboid in cm : 45
    Enter the height of cuboid in cm : 15
    The volume of cuboid of length 12cm ,breadth 45cm and height 15cm is : 8100cm³

C++ Program to find volume of cone


    Enter the radius of cone in cm : 12
    Enter the height of cone in cm : 19
    The volume of cone of radius 12cm and height of 19cm is : 2866.29cm³

C++ program to find surface area of cuboid


    Enter the length of cuboid in cm : 45
    Enter the breadth of cuboid in cm : 12
    Enter the height of cuboid in cm : 2.6
    The total surface area of cuboid is : 1376.4cm²

C++ program to find surface area of cylinder


    Enter the radius of cylinder in cm : 8.3
    Enter the height of cylinder in cm : 5
    The total surface area of cylinder is : 1033.35cm²

C++ program to find surface area of cube


    Enter the length of side cube in cm : 50
    The total surface area of cube is : 15000cm²

C++ program to calculate average marks


    Enter total number of subjects : 3

    Enter the marks of subject 1 : 54
    Enter the marks of subject 2 : 26
    Enter the marks of subject 3 : 75

    The average marks of 3 subjects : 51.6667

C++ program to check vowel or consonant


    Enter character to check if it is a vowel or consonant : A
    A is a vowel

    Enter character to check if it is a vowel or consonant : k
    k is a consonant

C++ program to sum of N numbers


    Enter the number of upto which sum to be calculated : 10
    The sum of numbers upto 10 is : 55

    Enter the number of upto which sum to be calculated : 5
    The sum of numbers upto 5 is : 15

C++ program to find factorial of any number


    Enter a number to find its factorial : 5
    The factorial of 5 is : 120

    Enter a number to find its factorial : 10
    The factorial of 10 is : 3628800

C++ Program to calculate electricity bill


    ------Electricity Bill------

    Enter the amount for per unit of electricity : 20
    Enter the units of electricity used by you in a month : 200
    Your electricity bill for this month is : 4000Rs.

C++ Program To Calculate CGPA from Percentage


    Enter percentage to get its CGPA : 89
    CGPA of 89 percentage : 9.36842

    Enter percentage to get its CGPA : 76
    CGPA of 76 percentage : 8

C++ Program to calculate compound interest


    Enter the principal rate of interest : 40000
    Enter the rate of interest : 20
    Enter the time taken of interest in years : 2
    The amount of compound interest for 40000Rs is : 17600Rs

C++ Program To Calculate Batting Average


    Enter total runs scored: 150
    Enter total innings played: 6
    Batting Average: 25

C++ Program to Calculate Commission Percentage


    Enter the sales amount: 50000
    Enter the commission rate (%): 5
    Commission: 2500


C++ Program To Find Distance Between Two Points


    Enter the value of x coordinate 1st point : 3
    Enter the value of x coordinate 2nd point : 4
    Enter the value of y coordinate 1st point : 4
    Enter the value of x coordinate 2nd point : 3
    The distance between coordinates (3, 4) and (4, 3) is : 1.41421cm

C++ Program To CalculatePower Of Number


    Enter number : 5
    Enter power : 3
    The value of 5 raised to power 3 : 125

Write a C++ program to take three numbers from the user and print the greatest number


    Enter number 1 : 45
    Enter number 1 : 62
    Enter number 3 : 48
    The greatest number is : 62

Write a C++ program to find the number of days in a month


    January : 1
    February : 2
    March : 3
    April : 4
    May : 5
    June : 6
    July : 7
    August : 8
    September : 9
    October : 10
    November : 11
    December : 12
    Enter the month (1-12): 3
    Enter the year: 2024
    No. of days in the 3 month of year 2024 = 31

Write a C++ program to test a number is positive or negative


    Enter a number to check if it is positive or negative : -45
    -45 is a negative number

    Enter a number to check if it is positive or negative : 23
    23 is a positive number

Write a C++ Program to accept number of week's day (1-7) and print name of the day


    Enter the number to know its corresponding day name : 5
    5 day of the week is Friday

    Enter the number to know its corresponding day name : 3
    3 day of the week is Wednesday

Write a C++ program that takes a year from user and print whether that year is a leap year or not


    Enter the year : 2024
    2024 is a leap year

    Enter the year : 2025
    2025 is not a leap year

Write a C++ program to input 5 numbers from keyboard and find their sum and average


    Enter number 1 : 25
    Enter number 2 : 12
    Enter number 3 : 45
    Enter number 4 : 20
    Enter number 5 : 4
    The sum of given 5 numbers is : 106
    The average for given 5 numbers is : 21.2

Write a program in C++ to display the first 5 natural numbers


    First 5 natural numbers are :


    Enter character to check if it is a vowel or consonant : u
    u is a vowel
    Enter character to check if it is a vowel or consonant : s
    s is a consonant

Write a C++ program to display the cube of the number upto given an integer


    Enter upto which digit cubes to be showed : 5
    Cube of 1 is : 1
    Cube of 2 is : 8
    Cube of 3 is : 27
    Cube of 4 is : 64
    Cube of 5 is : 125

Write a C++ program to display the n terms of odd natural number and their sum


    Terms of odd natural numbers : 20
    The sum of odd natural numbers upto 20 : 100

Write a C++ program to display the multiplication table of a given integer


    Multiplication table of : 8
    8 X 0 = 0
    8 X 1 = 8
    8 X 2 = 16
    8 X 3 = 24
    8 X 4 = 32
    8 X 5 = 40
    8 X 6 = 48
    8 X 7 = 56
    8 X 8 = 64
    8 X 9 = 72
    8 X 10 = 80

Write a C++ program that reads an integer and check whether it is negative, zero, or positive


    Enter an integer: 56
    The number is positive.

Write a C++ program that reads an positive integer and count the number of digits


    Enter a number: 654613
    The number contains 6 digits.

Write a C++ program that accepts three numbers and check All numbers are equal or not


    Enter number 1 : 45
    Enter number 2 : 45
    Enter number 3 : 48

    All numbers are not equal....

Write a C++ program that accepts three numbers from the user and check if numbers are in "increasing" or "decreasing" order.


    Enter number 1 : 45
    Enter number 2 : 65
    Enter number 3 : 89

    The numbers are in increasing order.

Write a C++ program that determines a student's grade (81-100 : A, 61-80 : B, 41-60 : C, 0-40 : D)


    Enter your marks : 68
    You have gained B grade....

Write a C++ program to create a simple calculator (1. ADDITION, 2. SUBTRACTION, 3. MULTIPLICATION, 4. DIVISION, 5. EXPONENTIAL, 6. PERCENTAGE, 7. EXIT)


    1. Addition
    2. Subtraction
    3. Multiplication
    4. Division
    5. Exponential
    6. Percentage
    7. Exit
    Enter your choice (1-7): 3
    Enter number 1: 45
    Enter number 2: 9
    Result: 405

Write a C++ program to concatenate two string


    Enter string 1 : hello
    Enter string 2 : world
    After concatenation of string 1 and string 2 : helloworld

Write a C++ program to convert all characters in a string to lowercase


    Enter string to convert all to lowercase : SAnju
    sanju to lowercase : sanju

Write a C++ program to convert all characters in a string to uppercase


    Enter string to convert all to uppercase : sanju
    SANJU to Uppercase : SANJU

Write a C++ program to trim a string (remove whitespaces)


    Enter a string:        hello world
    Trimmed string: hello world

Write a C++ program to get a substring of a given string between two specified positions


    Enter the string : helllloworldddd
    Enter the first point from where the string to be substringed : 1
    Enter the second point to where the string to be substringed : 8
    Substring : ellllowo

Write a C++ program to replace all the 'd' characters with 'f' characters


    Enter a string: doodle doodle
    String after replacing 'd' with 'f': foofle foofle


Write a C++ program to get the length of a given string


    Enter a string : hello

    The length of string hello is : 5

Write a C++ program to print current date and time in the specified format


    Choose the time format:
    1. 12-hour format
    2. 24-hour format

    Enter your choice (1 or 2): 1
    Current date and time (12-hour format): 03/31/2024 11:06:15 AM

Write a C++ program to get the character at the given index within the String


    Enter a string : helllo world!!!!!
    Enter index to get its corresponding character : 9
    Character at index 9: r

Write a C++ program to remove a particular character from a string


    Enter a String : hellbo

    Enter character to be removed from string : b
    After removing : hello

Write a C++ program to reverse a String


    Enter a string : hello world!!!!!

    hello world!!!!! After reversing : !!!!!dlrow olleh

Write a C++ program to remove html tags from a string


    Original HTML: 

This is a sample HTML string.

After removing HTML tags: This is a sample HTML string.

Write a C++ program to count total number of lines from a string


    Original text:
    This is line 1.
    This is line 2.
    This is line 3.
    Total number of lines: 3


Write a C++ Program to Accept the Marks of a Student and find Total Marks and Percentage


    Number of subjects : 5
    Enter marks of subject 1 : 78
    Enter marks of subject 2 : 80
    Enter marks of subject 3 : 91
    Enter marks of subject 4 : 96
    Enter marks of subject 5 : 77

    Total marks : 422
    Your percentage : 84.4%

Write a C++ program to print numbers from 1 to 10 using loop


    Numbers from 1 to 10 :

Write a C++ program to calculate the sum of first 10 natural number using loop


    Natural numbers ----

    Sum of first 10 natural numbers : 55

Write a C++ program to print multiplication table of given number


    Multiplication table of : 16
    16 X 0 = 0
    16 X 1 = 16
    16 X 2 = 32
    16 X 3 = 48
    16 X 4 = 64
    16 X 5 = 80
    16 X 6 = 96
    16 X 7 = 112
    16 X 8 = 128
    16 X 9 = 144
    16 X 10 = 160

Write a C++ program to find the factorial value of any number entered through the keyboard


    Enter a number to find its factorial : 5
    Factorial of 5 is : 120

    Enter a number to find its factorial : 16
    Factorial of 16 is : 2004189184

Write a C++ program that prompts the user to input an integer and then outputs the number with the digits reversed order


    Enter an integer to reverse it : 123456

    123456 after reversing : 654321

Write a C++ program that reads a set of integers, and then prints the sum of the even and odd integers using loop


    Enter number of Integers : 8
    Enter element 0 : 56
    Enter element 1 : 2
    Enter element 2 : 6
    Enter element 3 : 3
    Enter element 4 : 8
    Enter element 5 : 1
    Enter element 6 : 9
    Enter element 7 : 10
    Sum of even integers : 82
    Sum of odd integers : 13

Write a C++ program to check whether the number is a prime number or not


    Enter an integer : 3
    3 is a prime number

    Enter an integer : 45
    45 is not a prime number

Write a C++ program to calculate HCF of Two given numbers using loop


    Enter first number: 24
    Enter second number: 36
    HCF of 24 and 36 is: 12


Write a C++ program to enter the numbers till the user wants and at the end it should display the count of positive, negative and zeros


    Enter a number : 45
    Do you want to enter another number? (y/n): y
    Enter a number : 0
    Do you want to enter another number? (y/n): y
    Enter a number : -8
    Do you want to enter another number? (y/n): y
    Enter a number : 0
    Do you want to enter another number? (y/n): y
    Enter a number : 12
    Do you want to enter another number? (y/n): y
    Enter a number : 9
    Do you want to enter another number? (y/n): n
    Positive Integers : 3
    Negative integers : 1
    Zeroes : 2

Write a C++ program to enter the numbers till the user wants and at the end the program should display the largest and smallest numbers entered


    Enter a number : 45
    Do you want to enter another number? (y/n): y
    Enter a number : 373
    Do you want to enter another number? (y/n): y
    Enter a number : 8
    Do you want to enter another number? (y/n): y
    Enter a number : 534
    Do you want to enter another number? (y/n): n
    Largest number entered is : 534
    Smallest number entered is : 8

Write a C++ program to print out all Armstrong numbers between 1 to 600 using loop


    Armstrong numbers : equal to the sum of cubes of its digits
    These are all armstrong numbers between 1 to 600

Write a C++ program to count total number of notes in entered amount using loop


    Enter the amount: 2684
    Notes count for 2684 is:
    2000: 1
    500: 1
    100: 1
    50: 1
    20: 1
    10: 1
    2: 2


Write a C++ program to print Fibonacci series of n terms where n is input by user using loop


    Enter terms of Fibonacci series : 15
    Fibonacci series upto 15 terms :

Write a C++ program to calculate the sum of following series where n is input by user


    Enter first number: 12
    Enter second number: 18
    GCD of 12 and 18 is: 6
    LCM of 12 and 18 is: 36


Write a C++ method to compute the average of three numbers


    Enter number 1 : 45
    Enter number 2 : 12
    Enter number 3 : 50

    Average of 45 12 50 is : 35.6667

Write a C++ method to find the smallest number among three numbers


    Enter number 1 : 89
    Enter number 2 : 63
    Enter number 3 : 56

    The smallest number among 89 63 and 56 is : 56

Write a C++ method to check whether an year entered by the user is a leap year or not


    Enter the year : 2024
    2024 is a leap year

    Enter the year : 2089
    2089 is not a leap year

Write a C++ program to accept a float value of number and return a rounded float value


    Enter a float number : 2348.189664
    2348.19 After rounding off : 2348

Write a C++ method to compute the sum of the digits in an integer


    Enter a number : 798402
    The sum of digits in 0 is : 30

Write a C++ method to calculate the area of a triangle


    Enter the length of base of triangle in cm : 23
    Enter the height of triangle in cm : 18.5
    The area of rectangle of base 23and height 18cm is : 207cm²

Write a C++ method to find the area of a pentagon


    Enter length of side of Pentagon in cm : 5
    Enter length of apothem of Pentagon in cm : 9

    The area of pentagon of side 5cm is : 112.5cm²

Write a C++ method to find number is even number or not


    Enter a number : 58
    58 is an even number.

Write a C++ method to check numbers is palindrome number or not


    Enter a number : 65482
    65482 is not a palindrome.

Write a C++ method to displays prime numbers between 1 to 20


    Prime numbers between 1 to 20:

Write a C++ method to find GCD and LCM of Two Numbers


    Enter the dividend: 564
    Enter the divisor: 85
    Result of integer division (rounded up): 7

Write a C++ method to find factorial using recursion


    Enter a number : 7
    Factorial of 7 is : 5040

Write a C++ program to reverse an integer number


    Enter a number to reverse it : 456789
    4201104 After reversing : 987654

Write a C++ program to round a float number to specified decimals


    Enter any decimal number to round off it to specified decimals : 52.5615489
    Enter decimal number upto which round off the given number : 3
    52.562 = 52.562 after rounding off upto 3 decimals : 52.562

Write a C++ program to test if a double number is an integer


    Enter a number : 2.65
    The number 2.65 is not an integer.

Write a C++ program to round up the result of integer division


    Enter the dividend: 565
    Enter the divisor: 5
    Result of rounding up the division: 113


Write a C++ program to convert Roman number to an integer number


    Enter roman number to convert it into an integer : VII
    Integer equivalent of VII is : 7
    Enter roman number to convert it into an integer : XIIVI
    Integer equivalent of XIIVI is : 18

Write a C++ program to convert a float value to absolute value


    Enter a number to get its absolute value : 5.2656
    Absolute value of 5.2656 is : 5

Create a class entering the command line arguments from the user and show all the arguments as output.


    Command Line Arguments:

Program to Check Anagram


    Enter String 1 : hello
    Enter String 2 : yellow
    hello and yellow are not anagram

Program to Swapping Pair of Characters


    Enter a string: jumping
    String with swapped pairs: ujpmnig


Program to Check if a String contains only digits?


    Enter a string: 56564
    The string contains only digits.

Program to perform Deep Copy for String?


    Original: Hello, world!
    Deep Copy: Hello, world! This is a deep copy.


Program to remove all occurrences of a given character from input String?


    Enter a string : shanaya
    Enter character to be removed from shanaya : a
    shanaya After removing a All occurences : shny

Program to Add Characters to a String


    Enter a string : hello
    Enter characters to be added to string : world
    helloworld After appending characters : helloworld

Program to check whether a string is a Palindrome


    Enter a string : abcba
    abcba is a palindrome


Program to Convert Enum to String


    Today is Wednesday

Program to count number of words in a String?


    nter a string: hello world
    Number of words: 2


Program to count the total number of characters in a string


    Enter a string: today is sunday
    Number of words in the string: 3


Program to count the total number of punctuation characters exists in a String


    Enter a string: today! is it a sunday?
    Total number of punctuation characters in the string: 2

Program to count the total number of vowels and consonants in a string


    Enter a string: hello world
    Total number of vowels in the string: 3
    Total number of consonants in the string: 7


Program to determine whether a given string is palindrome


    Enter a string: high
    The string is not a palindrome.


Program to determine whether one string is a rotation of another


    Enter the first string: fall
    Enter the second string: fail
    The second string is not a rotation of the first string.

Program to divide a string in 'N' equal parts.


    Enter a string: hello
    Enter the number of parts to divide the string into: 2
    Divided parts of the string:


Program to find all subsets of a string


    Enter a string: hello
    Subsets of the string:


Program to find all the permutations of a string


    Enter a string: 12

Program to find maximum and minimum occurring character in a string


    Enter a string: hello world
    Maximum occurring character: l
    Minimum occurring character: r


Program to find Reverse of the string Program to Check Anagram


    Enter a string: hello world
    Reverse of the string: dlrow olleh

Program to find the duplicate characters in a string


    Enter a string: hello
    Duplicate characters in the string: l

Program to find the duplicate words in a string


    Enter a string: hello
    Duplicate words in the string: l

Program to find the frequency of characters


    Enter a string: hello
    Character frequencies in the string:
    'l': 2
    'o': 1
    'e': 1
    'h': 1

Program to find the largest and smallest word in a string


    Enter a string: it is hot today
    Smallest word: it
    Largest word: today


Program to find the longest repeating sequence in a string


    Enter a string: hello world
    Longest repeating sequence: ll

Program to find the most repeated word in a text file


    Enter the filename: output.txt
    Most repeated word in the file: database


Program to find the number of the words in the given text file


    Enter the filename: output.txt
    Number of words in the file: 7


Program to Get a Character From the Given String


    Enter a string: hello world
    Enter the position of the character you want to retrieve (0-based): 5
    Character at position 5:o

Program to Insert a string into another string


    Enter the original string: hello
    Enter the string to insert: world
    Enter the position to insert: 2
    Resultant string after insertion: heworldllo

Program to Print a New Line in String (Each word in newline)


    Enter a string: hello world

Program to Print even length words


    Enter a string: hello world
    Even length words in the string:

Program to print smallest and biggest possible palindrome word in a given string


    Enter a string: hello world
    Smallest palindrome word: ll
    Largest palindrome word: ll


Program to remove all the white spaces from a string


    Enter a string: hello world
    String after removing white spaces: helloworld

Program to replace lower-case characters with upper-case and vice-versa


    Enter a string: hello world
    String after swapping case: HELLO WORLD


Program to replace the spaces of a string with a specific character


    Enter a string: hel lo o
    Enter the character to replace spaces with: #
    String after replacing spaces: hel#lo#o


Program to separate the Individual Characters from a String


    Enter a string: hello world
    Individual characters from the string:

Program to Splitting into a number of sub-strings


    Enter a string: hejasjdonailsneg ia ahigiwuhfiua difhai
    Enter the delimiter character: a
    Enter the number of substrings: 4
    ilsneg i


Program to swap two string variables without using third or temp variable.


    Enter the first string: hello
    Enter the second string: world
    After swapping:
    First string: world
    Second string: hello


Read two String user input and check if first contains second?


    Enter the first string: hello
    Enter the second string: world
    The first string does not contain the second string.

Reverse String Word by Word


    Enter a string: hello world
    Reversed string: world hello


Write a program to check if two Strings are created with same characters? Program to Check Anagram


    Enter the first string: hello
    Enter the second string: oh
    The strings are not created with the same characters.


Write a program to find out first non repeated character from input String?


    Enter a string: hello
    The first non-repeated character is: h


Write a C++ method to count all words in a string


    Enter a string: hello world
    Number of words in the string: 2


Write a C++ method to count all vowels in a string


    Enter a string: shAnaya
    Number of vowels in the string: 3


Write a C++ Program to Sort Names in an Alphabetical Order


    Enter the number of names: 3
    Enter name 1: shanaya
    Enter name 2: gunjan
    Enter name 3: shruti
    Sorted names in alphabetical order:

Write a C++ method to count all the words in a string.


    Enter a string: shanaya
    Number of words in the string: 1

Write a C++ method to compute the future investment value at a given interest rate for a specified number of years.


    Enter the present value of the investment: 50000
    Enter the annual interest rate (in percentage): 5
    Enter the number of years: 6
    The future value of the investment after 6 years is: 67004.8

Write a C++ method to print characters between two characters (i.e. A to P).


    Enter the start character: k
    Enter the end character: s
    Characters between k and s are: k l m n o p q r s

Write a C++ method to check whether a string is a valid password.


    Enter a password: Shanaya@2005
    Password is valid.

Write a C++ method to display the current date and time.


    Current date and time: 2024-4-6 7:30:48


Write a C++ method that accepts three integers and returns true if one is the middle point between the other two integers, otherwise false


    Enter three integers: 456 65 57
    One of the integers is the middle point between the other two.

C++ Program to convert String to int


    Enter a string representing an integer: 456
    Enter a string to convert into an integer : 456

C++ Program to convert int to String


    Enter integer to convert to string : 98

    98 After converting to string : 98

C++ Program to convert String to long


    Enter a string to convert to long: 541.15655
    Converted to long integer: 541

C++ Program to convert long to String


    Enter a long integer: 45558894
    Converted string: 45558894

C++ Program to convert String to float


    Enter a string representing a float : 16465.515
    Converted float: 16465.5

C++ Program to convert float to String


    Enter a float: 12321.56165
    Converted string: 12321.561523


C++ Program to convert String to double


    nter a string representing a double: 566565665
    Converted double: 5.66566e+008


C++ Program to convert double to String


    Enter a double: 2555616
    Converted string: 2555616.000000

C++ Program to convert char to int


    Enter a digit character : g
    Converted integer: 55

C++ Program to convert int to char


    Enter an integer (0-9): 117
    Converted character: Ñ

C++ Program to convert Binary to Decimal


    Enter a number to convert it into binary : 1001010101
    1001010101 in decimal format : 597

C++ Program to convert Decimal to Binary


    Enter a number to convert it into binary : 47
    47 in binary format 101111

C++ Program to convert Hex to Decimal


    Enter a hexadecimal number: 6c75a

    Decimal equivalent of 6c75a is: 1433090848

C++ Program to convert Decimal to Hex


    Enter a number to convert to Hexadecimal : 26546

    26546 After converting to Hexadecimal : 67b2

C++ Program to convert Octal to Decimal


    Enter an octal number : 213165
    213165 After converting to decimal : -653325840


C++ Program to convert Decimal to Octal


    Enter a number to convert to octal : 48690
    48690 After converting to octal : 137062

Write a C++ method to find the smallest number among three numbers.


    Enter number 1 : 302
    Enter number 2 : 46
    Enter number 3 : 2

    The smallest number among 302 46 and 2 is : 2

Write a C++ method to compute the average of three numbers.


    Enter number 1 : 56
    Enter number 2 : 40.5
    Enter number 3 : 429
    The average of 56 40.5 and 429 is : 175.167

Write a C++ method to display the middle character of a string.


    Enter a string to get its middle character : shanaya
    The middle character of string shanaya is : n

Write a C++ method to find all twin prime numbers less than 100.


    All twin prime numbers less than 100 :
    (3, 5)
    (5, 7)
    (11, 13)
    (17, 19)
    (29, 31)
    (41, 43)
    (59, 61)
    (71, 73)

Write a C++ method to count the number of digits in an integer with the value 2. The integer may be assumed to be non-negative.


    Enter a number to get number of digits : 54344
    digit 0 of 54344 : 4
    digit 1 of 54344 : 4
    digit 2 of 54344 : 3
    digit 3 of 54344 : 4
    digit 4 of 54344 : 5
    The number of digits in 54344 = 5

Write a C++ method that accepts three integers and checks whether they are consecutive or not. Returns true or false.


    Enter number 1 : 34
    Enter number 2 : 53
    Enter number 3 : 75
    34 53 and 75 are not consecutive numbers.

    Enter number 1 : 54
    Enter number 2 : 55
    Enter number 3 : 56
    54 55 and 56 are consecutive numbers.

Write a C++ method that checks whether all the characters in a given string are vowels (a,e,i,o,u) or not. Return true if each character in the string is a vowel, otherwise return false.


    Enter a string : shanaya
    shanaya do not contains all vowels

    Enter a string : aeiou
    aeiou contains all vowels

Write a C++ program to create a class called "Person" with a name and age attribute. Create two instances of the "Person" class, set their attributes using the constructor, and print their name and age.


    name of the person is :- rahul
    age of the person is:- 24
    name of the person is :- anjali
    age of the person is:- 21

Write a C++ program to create a class called "Dog" with a name and breed attribute. Create two instances of the "Dog" class, set their attributes using the constructor and modify the attributes using the setter methods and print the updated values.


    Initial values:
    Dog 1 - Name: Buddy, Breed: Labrador Retriever
    Dog 2 - Name: Max, Breed: German Shepherd
    Updated values:
    Dog 1 - Name: Charlie, Breed: Labrador Retriever
    Dog 2 - Name: Max, Breed: Golden Retriever


Write a C++ program to create a class called "Rectangle" with width and height attributes. Calculate the area and perimeter of the rectangle.


    enter the length of the rectangle :-
    enter the breadth of the rectangle :-
    area of the rectangle is :- 20
    perimeter of the reactangle is :- 18
    enter the length of the rectangle :-
    enter the breadth of the rectangle :-
    area of the rectangle is :- 21
    perimeter of the reactangle is :- 20


Write a C++ program to create a class called "Circle" with a radius attribute. You can access and modify this attribute. Calculate the area and circumference of the circle.


    enter the radius of the circle :-
    area of the circle = 78.5398
    perimeter of the circle = 31.4159
    enter the radius of the circle :-
    area of the circle = 153.938
    perimeter of the circle = 43.9823
    enter the radius of the circle :-
    area of the circle = 28.2743
    perimeter of the circle = 18.8496


Write a C++ program to create a class called "Book" with attributes for title, author, and ISBN, and methods to add and remove books from a collection.


    Book added to collection.
    Book added to collection.
    Book added to collection.
    Book removed from collection.


Write a C++ program to create a class called "Employee" with a name, job title, and salary attributes, and methods to calculate and update salary.


    Employee Details:
    Name: John Doe
    Job Title: Software Engineer
    Monthly Salary: $5000
    Annual Salary: $60000
    Salary updated successfully.
    Updated Employee Details:
    Name: John Doe
    Job Title: Software Engineer
    Monthly Salary: $5500
    Annual Salary: $66000


Write a C++ program to create a class called "Bank" with a collection of accounts and methods to add and remove accounts, and to deposit and withdraw money. Also define a class called "Account" to maintain account details of a particular customer.


    Account added.
    Account added.
    Deposit of $500 successful.
    Withdrawal of $1000 successful.


Write a C++ program to create a class called "TrafficLight" with attributes for color and duration, and methods to change the color and check for red or green.


    Current color: red
    Current color: green
    Current color: red
    Current color: green
    Current color: red
    Current color: green


Write a C++ program to create a class called "Employee" with a name, salary, and hire date attributes, and a method to calculate years of service.


    Employee Details:
    Name: John Doe
    Salary: $5000
    Years of Service: 5


Write a C++ program to create a class called "Student" with a name, grade, and courses attributes, and methods to add and remove courses.


    Course added.
    Course added.
    Course added.
    Course removed.
    Student Details:
    Name: John Doe
    Grade: 10
    Courses: Math, History,


Write a C++ program to create a class called "Library" with a collection of books and methods to add and remove books.


    Book added to library.
    Book added to library.
    Book removed from library.


Write a C++ program to create a class called "Airplane" with a flight number, destination, and departure time attributes, and methods to check flight status and delay.


    Flight Details:
    Flight Number: ABC123
    Destination: New York
    Departure Time: Thu Jan 2 02:34:49 2024
    Flight Status: On time
    Flight delayed.
    Updated Flight Status: Delayed


Write a C++ program to create a class called "Inventory" with a collection of products and methods to add and remove products, and to check for low inventory.


    Product 'Product B' removed from inventory.


Write a C++ program to create a class called "School" with attributes for students, teachers, and classes, and methods to add and remove students and teachers, and to create classes.


    Student added to school.
    Student added to school.
    Teacher added to school.
    Teacher added to school.
    Student removed from school.
    Teacher removed from school.
    Class created.

Write a C++ program to create a class called "MusicLibrary" with a collection of songs and methods to add and remove songs, and to play a random song.


    Song 'Song A' by Artist A added to the library.
    Song 'Song B' by Artist B added to the library.
    Song 'Song C' by Artist C added to the library.
    Song 'Song B' removed from the library.
    Now playing: Song C by Artist C


Write a C++ program to create a class called "Shape" with abstract methods for calculating area and perimeter, and subclasses for "Rectangle", "Circle", and "Triangle".


    Area: 20
    Perimeter: 18
    Area: 28.2743
    Perimeter: 18.8496
    Area: 6
    Perimeter: 12


Write a C++ program to create a class called "Movie" with attributes for title, director, actors, and reviews, and methods for adding and retrieving reviews.


    Review added for movie 'Toy Story'.
    Review added for movie 'Toy Story'.
    Reviews for movie 'Toy Story':
    - Great movie for kids!
    - I laughed so hard during this movie.


Write a C++ program to create a class called "Restaurant" with attributes for menu items, prices, and ratings, and methods to add and remove items, and to calculate average rating.


    Item added to the menu.
    Item added to the menu.
    Item added to the menu.
    Item removed from the menu.
    Average rating of the restaurant: 4.5


Write a C++ program to create a class with methods to search for flights and hotels, and to book and cancel reservations.


    Searching for flights to New York on 2024-04-15...
    Flight 'Flight123' booked successfully.
    Searching for hotels in London on 2024-05-20...
    Hotel 'Hotel456' booked successfully.
    Flight reservation for 'Flight123' canceled.
    Hotel reservation for 'Hotel456' canceled.

Create a class showing an example of default constructor.


    Default constructor called.
    Data: 0, 0, Default 

Create a class showing an example of parameterized constructor.


    Parameterized constructor called.
    Data: 10, 3.14, Hello


Create a class showing an example of copy constructor.


    Parameterized constructor called.
    Copy constructor called.
    Object 1:
    Data: 10, 3.14, Hello
    Object 2:
    Data: 10, 3.14, Hello

Create a class entering the rollno, name and class of the student from user but rollno should be automatically generated as we enter the information of 10 students


    Enter name of student 1: Alice
    Enter class of student 1: Grade 10
    Enter name of student 2: Bob
    Enter class of student 2: Grade 11
    Enter name of student 3: Charlie
    Enter class of student 3: Grade 9
    Enter name of student 4: David
    Enter class of student 4: Grade 10
    Enter name of student 5: Emily
    Enter class of student 5: Grade 11
    Enter name of student 6: Frank
    Enter class of student 6: Grade 9
    Enter name of student 7: Grace
    Enter class of student 7: Grade 10
    Enter name of student 8: Henry
    Enter class of student 8: Grade 11
    Enter name of student 9: Isabel
    Enter class of student 9: Grade 9
    Enter name of student 10: Jack
    Enter class of student 10: Grade 10
    Student 1 Information:
    Name: Alice
    Class: Grade 10
    Student 2 Information:
    Name: Bob
    Class: Grade 11
    Student 3 Information:
    Name: Charlie
    Class: Grade 9
    Student 4 Information:
    Name: David
    Class: Grade 10
    Student 5 Information:
    Name: Emily
    Class: Grade 11
    Student 6 Information:
    Name: Frank
    Class: Grade 9
    Student 7 Information:
    Name: Grace
    Class: Grade 10
    Student 8 Information:
    Name: Henry
    Class: Grade 11
    Student 9 Information:
    Name: Isabel
    Class: Grade 9
    Student 10 Information:
    Name: Jack
    Class: Grade 10


Create a class showing the area of circle and rectangle by method overloading.


    Area of circle with radius 5 is: 78.5
    Area of rectangle with length 4 and width 6 is: 24

Write a C++ program to create a class called Person with private instance variables name, age. and country. Provide public getter and setter methods to access and modify these variables.


    Name: John
    Age: 30
    Country: USA


Write a C++ program to create a class called BankAccount with private instance variables accountNumber and balance. Provide public getter and setter methods to access and modify these variables.


    Account Number: 123456789
    Balance: 1000


Write a C++ program to create a class called Rectangle with private instance variables length and width. Provide public getter and setter methods to access and modify these variables.


    Length: 5
    Width: 3


Write a C++ program to create a class called Employee with private instance variables employee_id, employee_name, and employee_salary. Provide public getter and setter methods to access and modify the id and name variables, but provide a getter method for the salary variable that returns a formatted string.


    Employee ID: 1001
    Employee Name: John Doe
    Employee Salary: $50000.00


Write a C++ program to create a class called Circle with a private instance variable radius. Provide public getter and setter methods to access and modify the radius variable. However, provide two methods called calculateArea() and calculatePerimeter() that return the calculated area and perimeter based on the current radius value.


    Radius of the circle: 5
    Area of the circle: 78.5
    Perimeter of the circle: 31.4


Write a C++ program to create a class called Car with private instance variables company_name, model_name, year, and mileage. Provide public getter and setter methods to access and modify the company_name, model_name, and year variables. However, only provide a getter method for the mileage variable.


    Company Name: Toyota
    Model Name: Camry
    Year: 2020
    Mileage: 15000.5


Write a C++ program to create a class called Student with private instance variables student_id, student_name, and grades. Provide public getter and setter methods to access and modify the student_id and student_name variables. However, provide a method called addGrade() that allows adding a grade to the grades variable while performing additional validation.


    Student ID: 1001
    Student Name: John Doe


Define a class Complex to represent complex numbers. Overload the + operator to add two complex numbers.


    Result of addition : 5 + 3i

Create a class Fraction to represent fractions. Overload the + operator to add two fractions.


    Result of addition: 5/6


Define a class Matrix to represent matrices. Overload the * operator to multiply two matrices.


    Result of multiplication :
    58 64
    139 154

Implement a class String to represent strings. Overload the + operator to concatenate two strings.


    Concatenated string: Hello, world!

Define a class Date to represent dates. Overload the < operator to compare two dates.


    Date 1 is less than Date 2

Implement a class Money to represent money. Overload the + operator to add two amounts of money.


    Total amount: $26.25


Create a class Rectangle to represent rectangles. Overload the == operator to check if two rectangles are equal.


    rect1 and rect2 are equal
    rect1 and rect3 are equal

Define a class Time to represent time. Overload the << operator to display the time in HH:MM format.


    Time: 10:30

Program to copy all elements of one array into another array


    Contents of the destination array:
    1 2 3 4 5


Program to find the frequency of each element in the array


    Frequency of each element in the array:
    4: 1
    1: 3
    2: 3
    3: 2
    5: 1

Program to left rotate the elements of an array


    Enter the number of positions to rotate left: 8
    Array after left rotation:
    4 5 1 2 3

Program to print the duplicate elements of an array


    Duplicate elements in the array: 7 2 4

Program to print the elements of an array


    Elements of the array:
    1 2 3 4 5

Program to print the elements of an array in reverse order


    Elements of the array in reverse order:
    5 4 3 2 1


Program to print the elements of an array present on even position


    Elements of the array at even positions:
    1 3 5 7 9


Program to print the elements of an array present on odd position


    Elements of the array at odd positions:
    2 4 6 8 10


Program to print the largest element in an array


    Largest element in the array: 50


Program to print the smallest element in an array


    Smallest element in the array: 10


Program to print the number of elements present in an array


    Number of elements in the array: 5


Program to print the sum of all the items of the array


    Sum of all elements in the array: 150

Program to right rotate the elements of an array


    Array after right rotation:
    1 2 3 4 5

Program to sort the elements of an array in ascending order


    Array sorted in ascending order:
    1 2 3 5 9

Program to sort the elements of an array in descending order


    Array sorted in descending order:
    9 5 3 2 1

Program to Find 3rd Largest Number in an array


    The 3rd largest number in the array is: 3

Program to Find 2nd Largest Number in an array


    The 2nd largest number in the array is: 5

Program to Find Largest Number in an array


    The largest number in the array is: 9

C++ Program Find 2nd Smallest Number in an array


    The 2nd smallest number in the array is: 2

Program to Find Smallest Number in an array


    The smallest number in the array is: 1

Program to Remove Duplicate Element in an array


    Array after removing duplicates:
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Program to Print Odd and Even Numbers from an array


    Odd numbers: 1 3 5 7 9
    Even numbers: 2 4 6 8 10

Write a C++ program to swap the first and last elements of an array and create a new array


    Original array: 1 2 3 4 5
    New array after swapping first and last elements: 5 2 3 4 1

Write a C++ program to count the number of even and odd elements in a given array


    Number of even elements: 5
    Number of odd elements: 5


Write a C++ program to sum values of an array


    Sum of values in the array: 15

Write a C++ program to find the index of an array element


    Index of 3 in the array: 2

Write a C++ program to calculate the average value of array elements


    Average value of array elements: 3

Write a C++ program to test if an array contains a specific value


    The array contains the value 3

Write a C++ program to find the maximum and minimum value of an array


    The array contains the value 3


Write a C++ program to insert an element (specific position) into an array


    Array after inserting 10 at position 2: 1 2 10 3 4 5

Write a C++ program to reverse an array of integer values


    Reversed array: 5 4 3 2 1

Write a C++ program to find the common elements between two arrays


    Common elements between the two arrays: 3 4 5


Write a C++ program to find the duplicate values of an array of integer values


    Duplicate values in the array: 1 2

Write a C++ program to find second largest number from the array


    The second largest number in the array is: 5

Write a C++ program to find second lowest number from the array


    The second lowest number in the array is: 2

Write a C++ program to find the number of even and odd integers in a given array of integers


    Number of even integers: 5
    Number of odd integers: 5

Write a C++ program to get the difference between the largest and smallest values in an array of integers


    Difference between the largest and smallest values: 8

Write a C++ program to segregate all 0s on left side and all 1s on right side of a given array of 0s and 1s


    Array after segregating 0s on left and 1s on right: 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

Write a C++ program to cyclically rotate a given array clockwise by one


    Array after rotating clockwise by one position: 5 1 2 3 4


Write a C++ program to print all unique element in an array


    Unique elements in the array: 5 1 2 3 4

Write a C++ Program to Sort the Array in an Ascending Order


    Sorted array in ascending order: 1 2 3 5 9

Write a C++ Program to Sort the Array in an Descending Order


    Sorted array in descending order: 9 5 3 2 1


Write a C++ Program to Search Key Elements in an Array


    Element 9 found at index 2


Enter the Matrix of rows and columns entered by the user and print in matrix format


    Enter the number of rows: 3
    Enter the number of columns: 3
    Enter the elements of the matrix:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 1
    Enter element at position (0,1): 2
    Enter element at position (0,2): 3
    Enter element at position (1,0): 4
    Enter element at position (1,1): 5
    Enter element at position (1,2): 6
    Enter element at position (2,0): 7
    Enter element at position (2,1): 8
    Enter element at position (2,2): 9
    1 2 3
    4 5 6
    7 8 9


Enter the Matrix of rows and columns entered by the user and print in matrix format


    Enter the number of rows for matrices A and B: 2
    Enter the number of columns for matrices A and B: 2
    Enter elements of matrix A:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 1
    Enter element at position (0,1): 2
    Enter element at position (1,0): 3
    Enter element at position (1,1): 4
    Enter elements of matrix B:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 5
    Enter element at position (0,1): 6
    Enter element at position (1,0): 7
    Enter element at position (1,1): 8
    Matrix A:
    1 2
    3 4
    Matrix B:
    5 6
    7 8
    Resultant Matrix:
    6 8
    10 12


Enter the Matrix of rows and columns entered by the user and print in matrix format


    Enter the number of rows for matrix A: 2
    Enter the number of columns for matrix A: 2
    Enter the number of rows for matrix B: 2
    Enter the number of columns for matrix B: 2
    Enter elements of matrix A:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 1
    Enter element at position (0,1): 2
    Enter element at position (1,0): 3
    Enter element at position (1,1): 4
    Enter elements of matrix B:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 5
    Enter element at position (0,1): 6
    Enter element at position (1,0): 7
    Enter element at position (1,1): 8
    Matrix A:
    1 2
    3 4
    Matrix B:
    5 6
    7 8
    Resultant Matrix:
    19 22
    43 50

Enter the Matrix of rows and columns entered by the user and print in matrix format


    Enter the number of rows for matrices A and B: 2
    Enter the number of columns for matrices A and B: 2
    Enter elements of matrix A:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 5
    Enter element at position (0,1): 4
    Enter element at position (1,0): 3
    Enter element at position (1,1): 2
    Enter elements of matrix B:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 1
    Enter element at position (0,1): 2
    Enter element at position (1,0): 3
    Enter element at position (1,1): 4
    Matrix A:
    5 4
    3 2
    Matrix B:
    1 2
    3 4
    Resultant Matrix:
    4 2
    0 -2

Enter the Matrix of rows and columns entered by the user and print in matrix format


    Enter the number of rows for matrices A and B: 2
    Enter the number of columns for matrices A and B: 2
    Enter elements of matrix A:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 1
    Enter element at position (0,1): 2
    Enter element at position (1,0): 3
    Enter element at position (1,1): 4
    Enter elements of matrix B:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 1
    Enter element at position (0,1): 2
    Enter element at position (1,0): 3
    Enter element at position (1,1): 4
    Matrices A and B are equal.


Enter the Matrix of rows and columns entered by the user and print in matrix format


    Enter the size of the square matrix: 3
    Enter elements of the square matrix:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 1
    Enter element at position (0,1): 2
    Enter element at position (0,2): 3
    Enter element at position (1,0): 4
    Enter element at position (1,1): 5
    Enter element at position (1,2): 6
    Enter element at position (2,0): 7
    Enter element at position (2,1): 8
    Enter element at position (2,2): 9
    Lower Triangular Matrix:
    1 0 0
    4 5 0
    7 8 9

Enter the Matrix of rows and columns entered by the user and print in matrix format


    Enter the size of the square matrix: 3
    Enter elements of the square matrix:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 1
    Enter element at position (0,1): 2
    Enter element at position (0,2): 3
    Enter element at position (1,0): 4
    Enter element at position (1,1): 5
    Enter element at position (1,2): 6
    Enter element at position (2,0): 7
    Enter element at position (2,1): 8
    Enter element at position (2,2): 9
    Upper Triangular Matrix:
    1 2 3
    0 5 6
    0 0 9


Enter the Matrix of rows and columns entered by the user and print in matrix format


    Enter the number of rows for the matrix: 3
    Enter the number of columns for the matrix: 3
    Enter elements of the matrix:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 1
    Enter element at position (0,1): 2
    Enter element at position (0,2): 3
    Enter element at position (1,0): 4
    Enter element at position (1,1): 5
    Enter element at position (1,2): 6
    Enter element at position (2,0): 7
    Enter element at position (2,1): 8
    Enter element at position (2,2): 9
    Frequency of odd numbers: 5
    Frequency of even numbers: 4

Enter the Matrix of rows and columns entered by the user and print in matrix format


    Enter the number of rows for the matrix: 3
    Enter the number of columns for the matrix: 3
    Enter elements of the matrix:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 1
    Enter element at position (0,1): 2
    Enter element at position (0,2): 3
    Enter element at position (1,0): 4
    Enter element at position (1,1): 5
    Enter element at position (1,2): 6
    Enter element at position (2,0): 7
    Enter element at position (2,1): 8
    Enter element at position (2,2): 9
    Sum of each row:
    Row 1: 6
    Row 2: 15
    Row 3: 24
    Sum of each column:
    Column 1: 12
    Column 2: 15
    Column 3: 18

Enter the Matrix of rows and columns entered by the user and print in matrix format


    Enter the size of the square matrix: 3
    Enter elements of the square matrix:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 1
    Enter element at position (0,1): 0
    Enter element at position (0,2): 0
    Enter element at position (1,0): 0
    Enter element at position (1,1): 1
    Enter element at position (1,2): 0
    Enter element at position (2,0): 0
    Enter element at position (2,1): 0
    Enter element at position (2,2): 1
    The given matrix is an identity matrix.


Enter the Matrix of rows and columns entered by the user and print in matrix format


    Enter the number of rows for the matrix: 3
    Enter the number of columns for the matrix: 2
    Enter elements of the matrix:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 1
    Enter element at position (0,1): 2
    Enter element at position (1,0): 3
    Enter element at position (1,1): 4
    Enter element at position (2,0): 5
    Enter element at position (2,1): 6
    Original Matrix:
    1 2
    3 4
    5 6
    Transposed Matrix:
    1 3 5
    2 4 6


Enter the Matrix of rows and columns entered by the user and print in matrix format


    Enter the number of rows for the matrix: 3
    Enter the number of columns for the matrix: 3
    Enter elements of the matrix:
    Enter element at position (0,0): 1
    Enter element at position (0,1): 0
    Enter element at position (0,2): 0
    Enter element at position (1,0): 0
    Enter element at position (1,1): 2
    Enter element at position (1,2): 0
    Enter element at position (2,0): 0
    Enter element at position (2,1): 0
    Enter element at position (2,2): 3
    Enter the threshold percentage for zero elements (0-100): 60
    The given matrix is not a sparse matrix.


Write a C++ program to create a class called Animal with a method called makeSound(). Create a derived class called Cat that overrides the makeSound() method to bark.


    Animal sound: Some generic sound...
    Cat sound: Meow!


Write a C++ program to create a class called Vehicle with a method called drive(). Create a derived class called Car that overrides the drive() method to print "Repairing a car".


    Vehicle status: Driving a vehicle...
    Car status: Repairing a car...


Write a C++ program to create a class called Shape with a method called getArea(). Create a derived class called Rectangle that overrides the getArea() method to calculate the area of a rectangle.


    Area of the rectangle: 15

Write a C++ program to create a class called Employee with methods called work() and getSalary(). Create a derived class called HRManager that overrides the work() method and adds a new method called addEmployee().


    Working as an HR manager...
    Added employee: John
    Added employee: Alice
    HR Manager's salary: $5000


Write a C++ program to create a class known as "BankAccount" with methods called deposit() and withdraw(). Create a derived class called SavingsAccount that overrides the withdraw() method to prevent withdrawals if the account balance falls below one hundred.


    Deposited $100. Current balance: $300
    Withdrawn $50. Current balance: $250
    Withdrawn $150. Current balance: $100


Write a C++ program to create a class called Animal with a method named move(). Create a derived class called Cheetah that overrides the move() method to run.


    Animal movement: Moving...
    Cheetah movement: Running like a cheetah!


Write a C++ program to create a class known as Person with methods called getFirstName() and getLastName(). Create a derived class called Employee that adds a new method named getEmployeeId() and overrides the getLastName() method to include the employee's job title


    Employee's full name: John Doe, Software Engineer
    Employee ID: E123


Write a C++ program to create a class called Shape with methods called getPerimeter() and getArea(). Create a derived class called Circle that overrides the getPerimeter() and getArea() methods to calculate the area and perimeter of a circle.


    Perimeter of the circle: 31.4159
    Area of the circle: 78.5398


Write a C++ program to create a vehicle class hierarchy. The base class should be Vehicle, with derived classes Truck, Car and Motorcycle. Each derived class should have properties such as make, model, year, and fuel type. Implement methods for calculating fuel efficiency, distance traveled, and maximum speed.


    Truck Fuel Efficiency: 500 miles
    Car Fuel Efficiency: 375 miles
    Motorcycle Fuel Efficiency: 200 miles

    Truck Distance Traveled in 2.5 hours: 1250 miles
    Car Distance Traveled in 2.5 hours: 937.5 miles
    Motorcycle Distance Traveled in 2.5 hours: 500 miles

    Truck Maximum Speed: 70 mph
    Car Maximum Speed: 120 mph
    Motorcycle Maximum Speed: 150 mph

Write a C++ program that creates a class hierarchy for employees of a company. The base class should be Employee, with derived classes Manager, Developer, and Programmer. Each derived class should have properties such as name, address, salary, and job title. Implement methods for calculating bonuses, generating performance reports, and managing projects.


    Bonus for John Doe (Manager): $500
    Bonus for Alice Smith (Developer): $200
    Bonus for Bob Johnson (Programmer): $315
    Performance report for John Doe (Manager):
    This manager has successfully completed the project assigned.
    Performance report for Alice Smith (Developer):
    This developer has completed coding tasks efficiently.
    Performance report for Bob Johnson (Programmer):
    This programmer has successfully completed programming tasks.
    John Doe is managing a new project.
    Alice Smith is not assigned to manage any projects.
    Bob Johnson is not assigned to manage any projects.

Write a C++ program to create a new text file and write some text into it.


    Text has been written to the file successfully.

Write a C++ program to open an existing text file and display its contents on the console.


    Hello, this is a text file created using C++.
    This is the second line of text.
    And here is the third line.

Write a C++ program to count the number of lines in a text file.


    Number of lines in the file: 3

Write a C++ program to count the number of words in a text file.


    Number of words in the file: 22

Write a C++ program to copy the contents of one text file to another.


    Contents copied successfully.

Write a C++ program to find and replace a specific word in a text file.


    Word replaced successfully.

Write a C++ program to append new data to an existing text file.


    Enter new data to append to the file (type 'exit' to stop): Hey how are you
    Data appended successfully.

Write a C++ program to sort the lines of a text file in alphabetical order.


    Lines sorted successfully.


Write a C++ program to merge multiple text files into a single file.


    Files merged successfully.


Write a C++ program to split a large text file into smaller files of equal size.


    File split successfully into 3 parts.

Write a C++ program to search for a specific string in a text file and display its line number(s).


    The string 'hello' is not found in the file.


Write a C++ program to encrypt the contents of a text file using a simple encryption algorithm.


    File encrypted successfully.


Write a C++ program to decrypt the contents of a text file encrypted using the above algorithm.


    File decrypted successfully.


Write a C++ program to read a CSV file and display its contents in tabular form.


    Name    |Age     |City |
    John    |25      |New York |
    Alice   |30      |Los Angeles |
    Bob     |35      |Chicago |


Write a C++ program to calculate the average of numbers stored in a file.


    Error: No valid numbers found in the file.


Write a C++ program to store the information of 10 Students having roll no,name,marks,mobile no properties, get() and set() member functions as binary file with following options 1. Insert Record 2. Delete Record 3. Update Record (based on roll no) 4. Search Record (based on roll no) 5. Clone the file 6. Exit.


    1. Insert Record
    2. Delete Record
    3. Update Record
    4. Search Record
    5. Clone the file
    6. Exit
    Enter your choice:

Write a C++ program to create an abstract class Animal with an abstract method called sound(). Create derived classes and Tiger that extend the Animal class and implement the sound() method to make a specific sound for each animal.


    Sound of Lion: Lion Roars!
    Sound of Tiger: Tiger Growls!

Write a C++ program to create an abstract class Animal with an abstract method called sound(). Create derived classes Lion and Tiger that extend the Animal class and implement the sound() method to make a specific sound for each animal.


    Sound of Lion: Lion roars!
    Sound of Tiger: Tiger growls!

Write a C++ program to create an abstract class Shape with abstract methods calculateArea() and calculatePerimeter(). Create derived classes Circle and Triangle that extend the Shape class and implement the respective methods to calculate the area and perimeter of each shape.


    Area: 78.5398
    Perimeter: 31.4159
    Area: 6
    Perimeter: 12


Write a C++ program to create an abstract class BankAccount with abstract methods deposit() and withdraw(). Create derived classes: SavingsAccount and CurrentAccount that extend the BankAccount class and implement the respective methods to handle deposits and withdrawals for each account type.


    Savings Account:
    Balance: 1000
    Balance: 500
    Current Account:
    Balance: 2000
    Balance: 1000

Write a C++ program to create an abstract class Animal with abstract methods eat() and sleep(). Create derived classes Lion, Tiger, and Deer that extend the Animal class and implement the eat() and sleep() methods differently based on their specific behavior.


    Lion eats meat.
    Lion sleeps in a cave.
    Tiger eats meat.
    Tiger sleeps in a jungle.
    Deer eats grass.
    Deer sleeps under trees.

Write a C++ program to create an abstract class Employee with abstract methods calculateSalary() and displayInfo(). Create derived classes Manager and Programmer that extend the Employee class and implement the respective methods to calculate salary and display information for each role.


    Manager Information:
    Manager Name: John Doe
    Base Salary: 5000
    Bonus: 1500
    Total Salary: 6500
    Programmer Information:
    Programmer Name: Alice Smith
    Base Salary: 4000
    Number of Projects: 3
    Total Salary: 5500

Write a C++ program to create an abstract class Shape3D with abstract methods calculateVolume() and calculateSurfaceArea(). Create derived classes Sphere and Cube that extend the Shape3D class and implement the respective methods to calculate the volume and surface area of each shape


    Volume: 523.599
    Surface Area: 314.159
    Volume: 27
    Surface Area: 54


Write a C++ program to create an abstract class Vehicle with abstract methods startEngine() and stopEngine(). Create derived classes Car and Motorcycle that extend the Vehicle class and implement the respective methods to start and stop the engines for each vehicle type.


    Car engine started.
    Car engine stopped.
    Motorcycle engine started.
    Motorcycle engine stopped.

Write a C++ program to create an abstract class Person with abstract methods eat() and exercise(). Create derived classes Athlete and LazyPerson that extend the Person class and implement the respective methods to describe how each person eats and exercises.


    Athlete eats a balanced diet with high protein content.
    Athlete performs intense physical training regularly.
    Lazy Person:
    Lazy person eats junk food and snacks a lot.
    Lazy person avoids exercise and prefers sedentary lifestyle.

Write a C++ program to create an abstract class Instrument with abstract methods play() and tune(). Create derived classes for Glockenspiel and Violin that extend the Instrument class and implement the respective methods to play and tune each instrument.


    Glockenspiel makes tinkling sounds when played.
    Glockenspiel is tuned by adjusting the individual bars.
    Violin produces melodious sounds when played with a bow.
    Violin is tuned by adjusting the tension of the strings.

Write a C++ program to create an abstract class Shape2D with abstract methods draw() and resize(). Create derived classes Rectangle and Circle that extend the Shape2D class and implement the respective methods to draw and resize each shape.


    Drawing rectangle with width 5 and height 3
    Resized rectangle with width 7.5 and height 4.5
    Drawing circle with radius 4
    Resized circle with radius 3.2


Write a C++ program to create an abstract class GeometricShape with abstract methods area() and perimeter(). Create derived classes Triangle and Square that extend the GeometricShape class and implement the respective methods to calculate the area and perimeter of each shape


    Area: 6
    Perimeter: 12
    Area: 25
    Perimeter: 20

Write a C++ program to create an abstract class Bird with abstract methods fly() and makeSound(). Create derived classes Eagle and Hawk that extend the Bird class and implement the respective methods to describe how each bird flies and makes a sound.


    Eagle soars high in the sky.
    Eagle makes a screeching sound.
    Hawk flies swiftly with precision.
    Hawk emits a piercing cry.